Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Life at the Yoders

 Hi to all my long lost friends. Ever have a month that seems every direction you turn is a dead end.  Speaking mostly of my job of course. I say that and yet I have a bunch of really nice tools sitting in storage waiting for me to do something. I have a good friend who is helping me set them up in a nice shop. I'm thinking about building  artistic furniture , kids stuff and other strange little things to sell. I know I won't make much but will have time to go where ever the Lord calls me. Which is the most important to me. If anyone has any great ideas of things that might sell good let me know. I'm making a list so ideas are welcome. I can't promise that you be paid royalties for the idea though.
             The other job I was thinking about doing is on hold because the mans pancreas stopped working and he has been in the hospital for almost a month. And at this point I feel it isn't where God wants me , even though they keep calling.   Not real sure why God made it so clear to me to let my car go other than saving me from a possible law suit,  They say it has been traded for a Jeep Grand Cherokee but who knows  I have never seen it or any money so I'm at a loss of what to do about that. Maybe when the guy gets out of the hospital something will happen.
              So that is my life. I'm here at home with my mother , whom I love very much . I have a rather cushy life which I don't deserve but am glad for.  I'm trying to raise all my own plants for the garden from seed and it seems that I not much of a green thumb. Why would plants grow up about an inch tall and then for no reason just fall over and die.  Or other ones have got an inch or two high  and it looks like someone to a pair of scissors and just snipped them off. Who would do that and why. I'm thinking its little gnomes or some little creature comes in at night and set their little ladders up and then the brave ones climb up with a pair of scissors and snip them off , then they run off laughing like they have one the battle.  But don't worry I setting traps for them. I baked little tiny cookies to bait them with. Sadly I haven't caught any yet.
              Sorry I haven't had enough coffee yet.   Oh yes I have chickens now. I purchased six little bundles of fluff about a month and a half ago. They were to be six hens . So I named them all accordingly, Agnes who grew much faster than the rest and seemed extra bossy actually turned out to be Bob. He is a handsome little guy and has developed the large comb on his head. So he feels quite cocky we would say. Then there is Edna , she is slightly smaller than Bob and has a sweet personality . She has a ravenous appetite and is usually the first one to the food.  Then Erma , is bossy,she pecks everyone and makes sure she is seen and heard. I'm just naming them in the order of their size. Then Gladys she is a little strange, very shy, and scared of everything, scared to eat worms or anything other than regular chicken food, and doesn't come when she is called. Thelma is next , she is very small and goes everywhere at a 100mph. She flies  from high places and does a combination flutter and run that looks like a horse galloping on three legs. She loves worms and slugs and everytime I pick up a shovel she there looking for worms. For as much as she eats I would think she would be enormous.  Last there is Louise, she was injured when she was small and took two weeks to heel. Therefore she feels she need extra care and help with everything. Wants to be carried often and hangs around my feet and often almost gets stepped on.  They sleep in the garage at night and early morning they fly out of their cage and make messes all over the floor. So I'm desperately trying to finish the outdoor roost.    
            Well thats all the news from around here. Next time I'll tell you my spiritual experiences in the last month. Some pretty crazy things are happening and I have a lot of  questions as to what people think about my experiences.      Have a wonderful week in living in Gods love


  1. So needed to laugh this morning!! Thanks!!=)Sharon

  2. Funny. :) I have also built some things that I have thought about making in bulk and selling. One is a bench painted beautifully by my wife with flowers and birds. The other is a stable for a Christmas outdoor manager scene. I would give the plans to you, but I have not given up on someday doing them myself, perhaps in retirement.
