Remember a couple weeks ago I was thinking of selling my car? I didn't go back and read what I had written, so I may repeat a little. Anyway I was trying to sell my car but wasn't really wanting to let go of it, you know clinging on to the old life as though it would help me feel better. Ha So I gave up one day and told God I was giving it to him and He could do whatever He wanted with it. I was thinking sometime in the future it would sell for a decent amount and I could use that money to buy some tools and things I needed to work around the shop and sell little odds and ends. That wasn't necessarily His plan. ; ) After I told God the car was His, within 1/2 an hour my sister called and said a friend of hers wanted to sell my car at his dealership and to get it over there in an hour. Wow when God wants something done He doesn't mess around. All I had to do is say ok Lord, and He did the rest. The guys name was Jerry. He told me that he would check out the computer problem and get back to me. Next day he said for 1800 dollars he could fix it and then take it to an auction in Seattle and get really good money for it. About 10,000 more than what I had figured. Yee haw I was so excited , I'm thinking to myself now that the Lord was rewarding me for giving up and letting Him have my car . Well back the truck up as they say. Proud heart before a fall, comes to mind about now. Jerry calls me the next day and tells me the 1800 dollars I just borrowed from my dear mom just burnt up when they turn the key on with the new computer installed . Well back to headspinning and misery, so what was the Lord doing ? At this point I'm confused and angry asking why. Next couple of days nothing , no word from Jerry no guidance from the Lord just misery. Why can't I learn patience? Finally Jerry calls on friday and apologized , said he was in the hospital for a couple of days because of his severe diabetes. How can I be upset with a man almost dying from diabetes. I can't. He said to call him on monday and we would meet because we needed to discuss the matters at hand. Oh great get my xanax bottle my nerves just went into hyper drive, then I remember oh yes I gave it to the Lord so why am I freaking out. I'm such a slow learner.
Alright monday morning Jerry calls and says lets meet and 10. My sister and I head out not having a clue where any of this is going. Still full from breakfast at home , Jerry is buying us breakfast again so with my nerves on edge I go ahead and hork down another full breakfast. What is it with nerves and eating? Jerry says we will get back the 1800 dollars , thank you Lord, and that the car had been stolen in california and after the insurance paid it off someone had bought it very cheaply and put a few things into and sold it for thirty thousand to some sap dumb enough to buy it. There was actually a question in their minds as to why the car hadn't blown up in flames already. Nice very nice . My old boss is my hero.. How to make it simple? My boss traded 30,000 dollars worth of work for a car that was worth 2 or 3 thousand and gave it to me for the 60,000 thousand he owed me. Well it all worked out so nicely . At this point it feels like the whole biscuit and gravy is stuck in my throat. Its Gods car now remember? I keep telling myself its God's . Then I realize it really is His car and he has just completely protected me from a lawsuit if the car had burned. Thank you again Lord . Jerry will
have the car traded to a place that knows about the problem and it will probably be parted out. In the mean time my sister will get a nice car to drive because hers was just totalled out a week ago and we were praying to God to help us get her a car. So all in all it turned out better than we could have expected knowing the truth about it all. But not the end of the story.
After I had washed down the biscuit Jerry asks me 'have you ever done any sales before"? I said I had and he wanted to know if I would want to work for him selling cars on the internet. Not my kind of job but I've been looking and praying that God would help me find a job. So I said sure I could do that I'm just not real good on a computer and haven't done sales in years and I have nerve problems , talk about a confident attitude. I'm scared ok...... So jerry says well what kind of work have you done . Construction I say. Your just what I need Jerry says. I need a person who will work with me and the owner of many many car dealerships through the NW. You will just go to each dealership and tell us what needs paint, tile , shelves, fence, whatever. You will just hire the contractors and and get the work done. A mediator per say between the owner and contractor. Wow thats what I've done all my life. There goes my head spinning again, what if its to much for me , I haven't worked in a couple years, what if I do it wrong. Oh wait Jerry's talking again. How much do I want? Who me ? I don't know. How about a thousand a month. He is laughing at me now. He asks what I made in CA and I laugh nervously and say the amount. He didn't even blink. I think thats doable he said ,I just swallowed my napkin , kidding. He said he'd check with the owner and see what he says. Did I mention that I was scared ? Oh yes, so we head home my thoughts going a hundred miles an hour . I started praying Lord I'm scared if this is what I'm supposed to do you are going to have to just force it on me cause I won't be out there trying to get this kind of job. Next morning bright and early dear Jerry is calling. He talked to the owner and he said 1500 dollars a month less than what I made in CA after 11years, but he would get me full insurance, medical,dental and eye care from the day I start. They will supply me with a vehicle of my choosing from the dealerships, I will be given a company credit card for gas food and anything I needed. I would set my hours, they don't care just as long as the work gets done. No more than 40 hours a week. Oh the kicker here is I have a meeting with the owner on tuesday to sign a contract for two years saying I will be paid for two year whether I work or am fire I would still get paid.
So here I am supposedly have a job to start soon with a possible 6 digit income and my jaw is dragging on the floor. Is this all coincidence. I don't think so . Am I worthy of some reward? Absolutely not. I don't know if this is all going to happen yet but I needed to vent it out. Is it a miracle ? I would say 100 percent so. Whatever happens in the near future you will be the first ones to know. If you want to experience God give everything to Him without reservation ( very difficult) and watch what happens . My story isn't close to finished but God has protected me and loved me even though I'm like a stubborn little child , I so glad He is patient with me. I praise Him from my heart. Not because I might get this job, but because He loves me and I truly feel that now.He is my protection from this world. Another step in my life that God is drawing me nearer to him. I'm hoping to hear from someone else what God is doing in their life , big or small it is a awesome thing and sharing it with others will help people like me who get down and need to feel that encouragement. It means so much.
God's love is great and His protection like a big warm blanket that keeps us safe. Try it, you won't be disappointed Until next time