Thursday, January 6, 2011

Is it hard for you to pray ?

Honestly is it hard for you to pray?   No problem for me . Kidding. I have an awful time with prayer.   Why ?  I'm not sure. If I kneel to pray you can bet with in a few minutes I'm sound asleep or laying on the floor because my knees hurt so bad.   Seems like a lot of people I have talked to say its hard for them to pray.   When I pray I always feel like I say the same things like dear Lord bless so and so and bless his brother and help his other brother. No really do you know what I mean. There has to be more to prayer than that.  Where is my emotions, my love , my empathy. Am I really that cold hearted and unemotional.  Possibly.   If I am  why?   How do you change that and learn to pray like our life and others lives depend on it.   Because they do. If God showed me the same amount of love I show other people I'm afraid my life would be over.  
                   I need to learn what love is, I'm sure of that. So do we have to follow all these teachings of 'you need to love yourself before you can love others" Is that a manmade rule or is that a Biblical principal ?
Then I'm sure that if I prayed and things happened just like that, it would put a different light on prayer and I would pray all the time . But  I don't think God is here as some sort of magical wish granter either. 
                     Let me organize my thought here,  Why are we supposed to pray?    If God is sovereign and knows our thoughts before we pray what is the need for prayer ?  If we don't approach God correctly does He still hear our prayers?  What if we don't have enough faith ?  If we have sin in our life does He still here our prayer?   I have more but I'm starting to confuse myself . ha    
                         To tell you the truth this all start about a month ago. I would get up each day say a little prayer to God of basically the same thing each day.  Then I would study my Bible for an hour or two and go on my way. Was I full of happiness and joy. No . I realized that each day I got up and tried my very hardest not to sin but what for. Was it because I loved God so much. Sadly No...... The  only thing that kept me from doing whatever I felt was fear.  There is problem number 1 . I don't think any relationship based totally on fear is a good one or correct for that matter. That leaves me realizing that almost two years as a christian and I don't know how to love . Fear ?  No problem . Love don't know. Then on top of that we have not forgiving  and bitter. I'm not sure where the verse is right now but it says if we don't forgive God doesn't forgive us.  I have a lot of problems in this area to . I have years and years of bitterness all pent up inside me. No wonder I had a heart attack.  Bitterness? Lets talk about that another day. Its a big subject and I need to know how other people deal with it. 
                     Now after all that is said I look at it and it's very obvious why my prayers are not answered. Now I understand why God wants me to write this all out. I'm sitting here with my mouth open seeing why God isn't answering my prayers. I have thought some of this through but tonight it just hit home why I was so depressed and feel God isn't listening to me. I have been working on the bitterness thing but forgiveness and love , what about them?  Well there you have it then  I have just completely convicted myself by telling you about me .  Nice  thank you all so much   Seriously I know what God wants from me now.  I would love to hear someone elses thoughts.  Next time I'll try to start finding scriptures that help me understand all of this. Please let's all pray for each other that we can learn how to pray better or more in line with God's will. Think about Jesus and His disciples . After all the miracle He did their request to Him was teach us to pray. If we want to see God's power released on earth we better get honest with ourselves and others , and learn to love like our God does. Help me get started. Let pray for the answers God will give them to us.   If we want people to be healed , if we wanted satan to be conquered,  if we truly want God 's power released here on earth I believe we have to pray like never before.  Tonight I'm praying that the Lord will cleanse my heart from all this bitterness  and that He'll help me forgive.   I'm gonna go , sorry I kind of fell apart at the end here.     


  1. I really appreciate your blog post. I just started one about 6 months ago with encouragement from my writer wife and it is a blessing to do it, even though I have very few people reading it.
    On my way home from work this afternoon I felt a real presence of God as I prayed. I really felt his love. This evening, however, I came back to reality. Or was the presence of God the real reality? I don't know. I too am a seeker that definitely does not have all the answers. Maybe that's why we're related.

  2. Thanks Arlen My life has been such a mess for many years and now with God's help I'm trying to put at least a part of it back together.
    I don't really know how all this blog stuff works yet. To be honest every time I want to write something on here it takes me a while to find way back here. I think I'm computer illiterate. Any way thanks for the support and I know what you mean , about it being a blessing to write, it helps to actually see your thoughts written down. God bless

  3. Prayer is a big one! Far far too many christians fall down there and far far too often I have been one of them.
    a couple thoughts that came to me.
    First. Yes, "if I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me.'Ps66:18
    it starts and stops there. period. The only prayer God hears and/or will answer from a sinful heart is one of repentance.
    Second one good way to get out of the routine same song next verse mode of praying that leaves you flat , is take your TIME! Wait, wait before God pray and wait. I mean spend some time until you know you're in the throne room!
    that doesn't happen as soon as we drop to our knees and say "Dear God"
    thirdly -- try a prayer walk. Takes care of the knee and sleep problem!:)
    and one final thing --- if our prayer is really communication heart to heart with God we won't ahve to "try" all day not to sin. It will come naturally because we are living in His presence!!! Blessed place.
    and now you've challenged me to dig deeper into prayer!
    oops sorry this signed me as veas, this is val :)

  4. Galen,
    Thanks for your comment back to me. I will pray for you as you pray for me. We can pray for healing and for God's continued presence in our lives.
