Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 So now what?

Hi everyone , its 2011  not sure what possessed me to write and tell all you wonderful people about my  life and all my problems . Maybe its just a way for me to get it out of my system.
First of all I want to be clear with everyone that, I am a born again believer now. Honestly I used to scoff at people like me.  I understand now that without help from God's Spirit we will never feel God's call to us. I've known many people who have said they don't believe in a God yet when they are truly faced with death and no God, it can be a life changing experience.  So to all you people who are tough and say there is no God , I really don't believe you.
Sorry I have a way of going out on a tangent and getting lost.   I have decided to write this year to hold myself accountable to the 2 people in my audience,  and to learn from other people. Its not because I'm proud of my life or want attention . I want to keep an open mind and learn from others as long as they agree with me, of course. : )
I have three main goals this years  1. To learn the true meaning of God's love and how to pray.  2. Rebuild my health. A couple of years ago I almost died from a heart attack. Since then I haven't been drunk or smoked.  Needless to say I have gain a large quantity of unwanted  , lets see how would you say it nicely, FAT, BLUBBER, COTTAGE CHEESE.  Ok so you have the big ugly picture.   From size 36 to 44 in two years. Now thats healthy.   70 pounds  thats right I'm telling you all 70 pounds . If I would lay down on the beach coast guard would dispatch whale removal units.  Yes I have to exercise, but I have a bad heart, bad back, bad knees, and occasionally my brain short circuits and I have panic attacks.   Seriously I think there are people in the hospital in better shape than me. : )    Oh yes number 3 To build a good business with a income of at least 5000 a month in the first year.    Only way to do that is in marketing . I'll let you know how it is going.  I'm meeting with a guy on the 12th of Jan that has been in it around 4 years and he is making over 60 grand a month . He is going to personally help me and my team get going . Yeehaa  I'm seeing 5000 a month as easily doable.
Sorry this blog is  my first so I'm just learning and so hang out with me once or twice a week and lets get some good discussions going.     If you have suggestions about what you want to discuss let me know . Until next time


  1. You've got to be careful. Do you know a beached whale can sufficate himself. hey I enjoyed it keep it up and keep living for Christ.

  2. welcome to blogosphere! :) i am very excited about all of this with you!! i love ppl who are up for life but dont feel it their duty to tell everyone else the "how to's" and the "i have it figured out's"; and yet are willing to live their life out loud and be a walk beside you type of person. keep posting. :) luv.

  3. Like it! keep it up! blogging can be a great way to connect, interact or just express oneself!
    I have used xanga for years as for some reason blogger seems clumsy to me. I do have a blogger accoutn but seldom use it.But xanga is getting so many yucky ads that it's getting disgusting to use.
    Just be careful on the #3. Get it and give it or it will kill #1!

  4. oops I guess you wouldn't know who that is!:) orchidsandlaundry is yours truly, valerie Glenn!:)

  5. Thanks to all of you for your support. I feel a little strange doing this since I really never let anyone know my feelings or emotions . But if God wants me to do it I will . Lets all pray for each other that we will learn to be open and show people God's love in a way that they will want to be part of His family. I have spent so many years full of anger and bitterness I feel that this is God's way of helping me get rid of it. Sorry my friends you will get to hear it all and its not pretty.

  6. Hey Good for you for writing... I soooo need to write, journal..whatever...and have made a couple of weak starts and then ditched it... maybe you will inspire me...yet again.. Godspeed my brother...
