Thursday, January 20, 2011

Random Thoughts

Another morning, awoke to the phone ringing. Thanks to  my dear papa when he was living,  liked the convenience of a phone at every turn. Not only is there a phone placed about six feet apart, they are equipped with ringers that are deafening .   So early morning call are very welcome.  My sister calls and laughs at me because my brain doesn't function well and speech reflects that.
           So the morning is off to a running start.   Heard from a friend this morning thats going through a hard time and really needs our prayers.  Now I realize how good I have it, yes my life is a bit boring, and yes I live like I'm 70 instead of 50. But overall I have it pretty good. We tend to forget about all the people that are hurting and I don't mean a little. I'm talking about the ones who have to live minute by minute relying on God to help them  just to make it through the day. How can I help them more. I tend to try to say the right things to help them feel better and then say a little prayer and go on my way. I don't think thats right. Why is it so hard to just drop things and say I'm here to help you with what ever you need for today. If thats not appropriate what about really seriously crying out to God on their behalf.
            Thinking about what I was learning about prayer , God wants me to pray for others and to help Him release His blessings on them . Of course now I'm back to trying to know Gods will.   I was reading  the other day about Mary the mother of Jesus.  In John 2:1-10 or 12  I was just amazed at how Mary made her request. When she found out they were out of wine she didn't go to Jesus in a fluster and tell Him what He needed to do. Nope all she said is they have no wine.  Simple confident statement. No directions or words of advice and no begging. Jesus tells her "what do I have to do with you" and she didn't hesitate,to go ahead  in complete faith that Jesus would solve the problem . She tells the servants to do what ever  Jesus told them. I find that absolutely amazing . Why can't my prayers be the same. Just state the need to God . I dont need to give Him a full prescription request. No just a simple request in Hs will and He will answer.   I need to trust. Where is my faith ?
         Like the title says random thoughts,  I was also thinking back over the last few blogs. And the one about it being hard to pray. I came to the conclusion in that blog that without love and the presence of unforgiveness or bitterness in prayer is a hinderance to God hearing us.  That night I was up most of the night asking God to forgive my bitterness and lack of love. I asked Him to help me rid that out of my life. HE DID .......He really did help me get rid of the horrible feelings of bitterness. Up to this point I had woke up every morning for more than a month with excruciating pain in my legs and back. I was living on pain pills. What happened that night totally negated the pain I was having. How I don't know. Miracle? I don't know but I thank God for giving me relief.  I actually didn't realize it until a couple days later. So I let it go for a while thinking maybe it was going to come back . Praise God it hasn't.   Is there a connection between pain and bitterness. I don't know but its gone and I 
feel like a different person. 
                          If any of you have experiences like that I would love to hear them. Once I get through the prayer study I want to look at bitterness and forgiveness and see the benefits and consequences to each of them. 
               Well I completely just rambled on and on today  I'll try to do better.  Have a great day

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